Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Andrea In Pajamas said...

I love to see animals that get along. Somehow I acquired 3 cats that do not like each other.

Becca Watson said...

My boys did not get along at first.. Ford, the grey one, was a year old when we got Rocky. And boy did Ford really not like the tiny 5 week old kitten! Rocky would follow Ford everywhere (still does). But they get along great now!

when the night light is off said...

Hi Becca

Love to read your blog. I have two cats also name Gordon and Oscar. They are siblings - I decided to adopt them when they look for shelter and food during Monsoon last November.

Azian, USJ, Malaysia.

Becca Watson said...

Melatie- Thanks for reading! Thats very cool of you for adopting your cats in their time of need! We adopted both of ours from the local shelter.

Sheila said...

Hi Ya,
I stumbled on your blog by using the navbar at the time to go to the next blog and discovered yours. Your kitty on the right looks exactly like our kitty. So Cute.

Love the Cats we are totally cat people.


Azure said...

hi¡¡ they look so cute, and sweet too, i really like your photograph